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Sunday, July 8, 2007

52 Scarlett's Choice

Scarlett has chosen to become a veterinarian. Keeper Melissa tells me that this choice was very wise because practicing animal medicine is very well suited to Scarlett's character and personality. Furthermore, many of the future events lined up on Scarlett's destiny do revolve around this most noble profession.

I am intrigued by the true nature of the work being done by the keepers here on Earth and in all other inhabited planets. I realize that it would be beneficial for me to learn much more about what keepers do and how they do it all.

Brrzzzzz. Through direct thought communications link, commander Sarah informed me that she received a message from Secreat, our home planet.

One of our kind has been assigned to take navigator Jake's place. His name is Phil. However, we will have to remain without a navigator for about four years because Phil is currently engaged on an expeditionary mission in another galaxy. Additionally, we were asked not to take any more cargo missions without a navigator. This almost sounds like a vacation, but we still have to find something to do while we wait for Phil.

Commander Sarah will be joining the research team working on the acceletron drive engines. She hopes to become one of the test pilots for the new ships being tested.

In the mean time, I will continue working alongside the keepers on missions here on Earth. I will update my dairy as often as possible.

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