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Thursday, January 25, 2007

21 O-103 (Sling Shot #2)

Today we will reach O-103. This is the largest and most dangerous black holes that we've ever used in any of our missions.

Not counting the massive black hole in the center of the galaxy, some black holes in the Milky Way are much larger than O-103. The larger the black hole, the faster and farther a ship can travel. However, the bigger black holes require much faster escape velocity and power than our humble engines can manage. So we never use any of them.

Even after the loss of one of the guardian escort vessels, commander Sarah has decided that we must press on and continue our mission.

I am glad that there are no living beings inside the guardian ships. These marvelous machines are like avatars guided by telepathic messages originating from guardian entities in Luna Base. I asked navigator Jake how the guardians manage to control the vessels from so far away and he simply said, "It's magic." Which normally means that it is too hard to explain in simple terms that a historian like me can understand.

Navigator Jake also said that the guardian who was linked with the destroyed escort ship must now be having one serious headache that will last for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great article. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you know that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.