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Thursday, January 18, 2007

14 Successful Jump

Our droooone and the guardian squad just finished the first slingshot manueeever successfully. Navigator Jake tells me that O-103, the next black hole in the flight plan, is about 6 days awayyy from here. I will use part of that time to learn more about the nature of time/space bending around black holes and how weee use this natural phenomena to traaaavel.

One disadvantage for our kind is that the fluids in our bodies get highly compressssed during the slingshot procedure. This fluid compression occccurs, even though we are inside our pressurized suit and within the pressurized hull of the ship. Fortunately, our safety procedures keep the body fluids compressed well underrrrrr hazardous levels.

However, one side effect is that the fluid compression in our body does affect ourrr communication ability somewhat. Fortunately, we manage to decompressssssss in about ten minutes time.


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