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Friday, April 13, 2007

45 Eldron Rendezvouz

Lord Passivar told us that only a few Eldron ships managed to survive.

It was confirmed that the murderous invaders were Motrons and Mechanos from planet Dablos. Lord Passivar also told us that the invaders have adopted the name of their own planet and now call themselves the Dablos.

It appears that the two Eldron ships which had been seized on planet Dablos three weeks ago, were used by the Dablos to invade the Eldron home planet. The captured ships had been armed with weapons of war and used by the Dablos to travel to Cuevlar and attack all the orbiting planet Cuevlar.

Additionally, each of the ships had its ten standard cargo shuttles, which were now being used by the cunning Dablos as fighter vessels. The Dablos had also used the fighter vessel to land their invasion force on the Eldron home planet.

Commander Sarah asked how could these primitive creatures manage to navigate across the Novus system and reach Cuevlar on their own.

Lord Passivar explained that each Eldron ship has a homing beacon designed to easily bring the vessel back home in case of emergency. He believes that somehow the invaders activated the beacon and used it for their selfish malevolent purposes.

"Another major problem with the homing beacon", lord Passivar explained, "is that the exact location of every Eldron ship can be traced from the flight control center on Cuevlar. Sooner or later, the Dablos might learn how to use this tracker and then learn the whereabouts of all surviving Eldron ships."

Lord Passivar ordered his ship to continue in its flight plan towards the Novus System via black hole C-11. He also sent an emergency message ordering every remaining Eldron ship to rendezvous near planet Techtron. Once there, Lord Passivar and the other Eldron survivors will decide what to do next.

For our part, we have been asked to leave the Eldron ship as soon as possible and take keeper Rebecca to planet Havoc. We intend to do this as soon as we have entered the Novus System.

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